Promoting Motorcycling Excellence
Independence has given our Training Team the freedom to draw on 40+ years experience training riders of all abilities, without the restrictions imposed by a governing body. We’re passionate about our riding and proud of our proven track record, successfully training many hundreds of riders to achieve IAM, RoSPA or higher qualifications.
All EAMG Observers are required to hold a current RoSPA Gold qualification. Their training is based on RoSPA’s Motorcycle Diploma that includes briefing and debriefing skills as well as riding skills; training can take several months, even a year. We promise the best.
Our Training Team is headed by four Senior Observer Assessors (SOAs). Their combined experience draws on the collective knowledge of former Observers, many of whom held the coveted Police Class 1 qualification or been IAM/RoSPA examiners. Senior Observers (SOs) and Observers (Obs) are trained and assessed every two years by the SOAs. All observers take responsibility for Associate training.
SOAs riding skills are independently assessed, externally, every two years; Here is a brief extract from the Rapid Training Ltd., Police Class 1, Instructor’s ride reports following an assessment day with our SOA’s:
“Here in the South East I get to see observers from the Kent groups as well as Surrey and Sussex. I am pleased to tell you, that so far (!), the standard of EAMG has been very good indeed.”
“I suppose my biggest beef with all of the clubs, is this tick box ‘paint by numbers’ or ‘dot to dot’ style, where riders learn a style that is just a series of chess moves and often has no real thought behind it. Everything becomes a stilted mathematical formulae, flow, rhythm and fun seem to loose out. I haven’t seen this with you four. So all bodes well!”
“I say to all of you, keep up the good work and keep the high standard! I think that’s really important!”
“It will be a pleasure to see you on the road sometime!”
Further Training, why should I bother?
Anything that’s worth doing is worth doing well. You are reading our website so there’s a good chance you are considering taking training. This is worthwhile and fun. What ever bike you ride, you need to ride it confidently, safely and enjoy the experience.
What happens when I join?
The Training Coordinator will be your first point of contact. You will join as an Associate Member and be assigned to an Observer. One to one rides will be arranged with the observer for times that are mutually convenient. You may also wish to attend Group Training (GT) which takes place on the first Sunday after Group night.
What training activities are offered?
We offer a comprehensive range of training opportunities including Group Training, one to one with an observer and Slow Riding skills days. See the EAMG Activities page for more information.
One to One Training: You will be assigned to an Observer who will make first contact with you to arrange an assessment ride. Your Observer will complete a Ride Report summarising your ride and recording the date for your next meet-up. Future rides will be tailored to your requirements. Your progress will depend upon your learning abilities and commitment; Observers love enthusiastic Associates.

Flexible Observed Rides: If you are keen to progress, you can inform the Training Coordinator who will endeavour to arrange for you to be assigned to additional observers who have capacity.
Group Training (GT): GT’s are held on the Sunday following the first Tuesday (Group Night) every month. GT’s consists of a short Roadcraft talk, usually delivered by an Observer. You will be then be assigned to an Observer, other than your assigned Observer, giving you a valuable opportunity to obtain another opinion of your riding.
Slow Riding and Machine Handling: Carried out at a ‘safe off-road’ venue, Associates and Full Members can practice skills that include: figure of 8, U-Turns, slalom around cones, swerve test, braking including emergency stops, manoeuvring, picking up techniques, counter steering and machine check.

If I pass an IAM or RoSPA test, can I go further?
Yes. Should you choose to take an IAM or RoSPA test, which most EAMG members do, on achieving a test pass you will become a Full Member of the Group and you will be eligible to join further training opportunities enabling you to maintain the standard you’ve achieved and continue to progress. The opportunities are:
Full Member Training (FMT): Full Member Training Days are for Full Members to brush up on their skills or to further enhance them above advanced test standard; Full Members can choose when they wish to get out for a full days’ 1:1 training with a dedicated Observer. Routes will be challenging and around 200 miles depending on daylight hours. Available 1st April – 31st October.
Further Training for Full Members (FTFM): You will be assigned to an Observer, when mutually convenient, rides will be arranged on a one to one basis.
Full Member Social rides: Riding with experienced riders is an excellent way to pickup hints and ideas. Observers regularly join our social rides and welcome the opportunity to discuss riding issues or give advice. Two Social rides are organised each month; one annexed to AGTs (see above) the other independently organised. (Social link) Destinations and distance vary but details will be advertised in advance.
What do members have to say?
Is Membership all about training?
No. EAMG has a thriving range of social activities. (see Social page)
Why wait? Come and join us.