When and why did you develop an interest in riding a motorcycle? I Always loved the sound and look from an early age.
How old were you when you first rode a bike? I was About 8yrs old, was on a 50cc dirt bike at a track in Cheshunt.
Of the bikes you’ve owned to date, which was the favourite, if there was one? Had to be the BMW K1300S great machine and fast.
If you were given the opportunity to own any bike on the market which would it be? It would have to be another K1300s or the Ducati Street fighter V4 Lamborghini.
What is your favourite motorcycle related gadget? Innov K3 Camera system.
Where is your preferred place to ride in the UK? Anywhere with great roads.
And, overseas? Again, anywhere with great roads.
If you were offered the opportunity to go on an extended bike tour who, family members aside, who would you choose as a riding companion? We have some great riders in the Training team, and really enjoy the Peer to peer rides, so any of those guys. I think John Mcguiness would be good fun to be around as well. I should also mention my Wife as she is riding now, and keep talking about a bike tour (Family Member, I know!!!)
How would you describe to a non-rider the attraction of riding a bike as opposed to driving a car? The feeling of freedom, exhilaration, adrenalin filled moments, passing cars easily
When do you intend to give up riding? When there are only electric bikes left to ride.
Describe your most embarrassing and scariest moment on your bike! Dodging the UK’s pot holes, LOL.