WHY CHOOSE 2 WHEELS? When I was around 8 years old, I saw 2 kids blatting around on a field on little blue bikes with the Dad looking on. The moment I saw that, I knew what I wanted to do. Every Christmas and Birthday I asked for a bike but it never happened. (Yes, they were YAMAHA PW 50’S or 80’S). Aged 16 I got a part-time job and bought my own bike: £185 SUZUKI AP50.
WHAT WAS YOUR 1ST MOTORCYCLE EXPERIENCE? Riding a friends’ Honda C50 over a local park aged 13. I found I could just do it.
WHY BECOME AN OBSERVER? Having taught learner riders for 38 years on a purely voluntary basis and previously passed my Advanced Motorcycle test again some 31 years later to see how I was doing. I passed with a Gold and I was asked back to join the best o the best (Top Gun) – I did not hesitate because I believed I had something to offer the club with my previous experience. Not only that, I just love teaching and passing on the knowledge.
BEST PLACE TO GO RIDING? Wales (before the 20mph limit was set)
BEST ADVISE EVER GIVEN AND PASSED ON TO OTHERS? Ohh that’s a difficult one, if a rider comes past you….they are either more experienced than you or they are about to crash…..”Let them go”.
WHATS THE MOST ANNOYING QUESTION YOU KEEP GETTING ASKED? “Oi mate how fast does yer bike go”. Not once have I ever been asked “How quick does yer bike stop”!!
FAV FILM? ………………………………………… erm “TOP GUN “ (Call Sign “BUZZ”).