Current Bike(s): KTM Super Duke RSE Triumph Explorer.
Fantasy Bike: I already own the best bike in the world KTM.
Preferred road/area to ride in the UK and Overseas: Anywhere with twisty roads.
Age when you first rode a bike and what bike was it: I was 15 and riding my mate’s CBR 1000 blade around Hanningfield Reservoir.
When and why did you develop an interest in riding a bike: Due To work moving location I had to get coworker transport and we said let’s get him a bike license so I looked in to it And it worked out buy one get second half price and I had to take him to the training as he had no car license So we both got Trained and I then went on to advanced riding and gained ROSPA Gold in 2014
Aside from family members, who would you like as a riding companion: To be honest I have no preference in riding partner. As long as I’m on two wheels I’m happy in a group of like-minded people.
Reasons behind joining EAMG and then becoming an EAMG Observer: I gained my RoSPA Gold off my own back after passing my test and then wanted to be as safe and aware as I could be and you never stop learning For a number of years, I continued to hone my skills attending Group social rides and joining in with the social side of the Group. When a friend became an Observer I started to wonder if I had what it takes to join their exclusive ranks I am glad to say I passed the entrance test and, under the watchful eye of Mr. P & Mr. H. Have fun, ride safe, ride within your limits.