FANTASY BIKE: Don’t have one. Although warming to the new Triumph Rocket.
PREFERRED ROAD/AREA UK and OVERSEAS: UK-Wales, 483 etc. OVERSEAS-Germany, Black Forest area, Swiss Alps.
AGE WHEN YOU FIRST RODE A BIKE-AND WHAT WAS IT: Age 4, Montesa Cota 25 Trials Bike.
WHEN AND WHY DID YOU DEVELOP AN INTEREST IN RIDING A BIKE: Saw a mate on his own bike one day back in about 1971, looked like fun!! Whinged at Dad till I got the Montesa.
ASIDE FAMILY MEMBERS, WHO WOULD YOU LIKE AS A RIDING COMPANION: Anyone Safe, fast, Smooth and Predictable. I.e. Chris Reed, John Tipper, Clive Fry, Paul John, Have done big mileage with them all over the years and would happily ride within 2ft of them.
REASONS BEHIND BECOMING AN EAMG OBSERVER: Having observed before back in 1991, becoming the first ever qualified Senior Observer in the country soon after, then ceasing in about 2006 I thought it time to start enjoying my motorcycling more and passing on the skill set. I am sure that the system has, and will continue to save many lives.
SCARIEST MOMENT ON A BIKE: High siding my FZR 1000 Exup back in 1991 to avoid a car in my lane coming the other way, hitting the side of a car in the other lane and then being hit by the bike once I stopped sliding.
MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT ON A BIKE; Back in about 1996 on my ZX7RR doing a full on Rolling Stoppie at a mini roundabout by a packed bus stop only to stall the bike when the rear came down. Wouldn’t start, flooded the flat side carbs.