Current Bike(s): Triumph 675 Street Triple and KTM Superduke GT.
Previous Bikes: FS1E, GS125,GS550,GS700 (Import), CBR1000, CBR600FP, ZXR750H1, ZXR750H2, ZXR750L2, ZX7R (yes I loved the ZXR’s) Honda SP1, 954 Fireblade, 2004 Fireblade, 2006 Fireblade, BMW S1000RR, Triumph Tiger 1050.
Preferred Road/Area to ride in the UK and Overseas: Essex and Suffolk are just fine with some great roads although I do love to ride in North Yorkshire and the Scottish Borders. France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany are favourites especially the Eifel Mountain Range.
Age you first rode a bike: I was 13, it was an old C90 that was used and abused in our local woods.
When and why did you develop an Interest in riding a Bike: From an early age I loved riding pushbikes, always liked the idea of travel and couldn’t wait to get my first Motor Bike (Fs1e) to take me on my first biking holiday with friends at the age of 16.
Aside from family members who would you like as a riding companion: Anyone that shares the Love of Bikes, rides to a reasonable standard and doesn’t moan at tea stops!
Reasons behind becoming an EAMG Observer: I was fortunate enough to have had Advanced training at the young age of 32 and when I passed my IAM test in 1992 the Examiner (Clive Fry) invited me to join EAMG, I joined the group in 1993 or 94?
One group night the Chairman Paul Roberts asked if any members would like to become an Observer, I thought I would give it a go as I really enjoyed the Observed rides and the whole learning experience (it made me safer and quicker).
Having been an observer on and off since 1995 I have enjoyed passing onto others the skill set that probably helped save my Life!
Scariest or most embarrassing moment on a Bike: On track in Germany, I was at a Motorrad Perfection Training event held at the Nurburgring. Bikes only on track with open Pit lane and full laps without having to go in at the car park and go through the barrier to re join the circuit. Anyhow, I was out on track lapping at a quick pace and had completed 3 continuous laps without a stop, this was plenty and very tiring but I thought I would carry on for a 4th lap (not a good idea). At one of the fastest parts of the track I was heading out to the right hand edge of the track (as usual) at probably 150 mph plus, not a problem on lap 1, 2 or 3 but now on my 4th I was tired but didn’t realise how tired I was until I tried to turn the bike away from the edge and the Grass!! I just managed to keep myself on track by about 6 inches! That was a very scary moment that would have been a big nasty off and one which would have had seriously unhealthy consequences. I never did another 4 laps without a break and never will.