Current Bike(s): BMW R1200RS, Honda CB500
Fantasy Bike: Honda CBX1000
Preferred road/area to ride in the UK and Overseas: It’s all about flowing roads through great scenery. I love the Cotswolds, accessible for a day out. Wales, Peak District and Yorkshire Dales all feature strongly. In the USA, I’ve been lucky enough to ride the Pacific Highway, Seattle to San Diego, far more bends than I‘d ever expected. Closer to home, France’s Alps and Germany’s Hartz Mountains are excellent but New Zealand is by far the best; the South Island is pretty deserted with massive views and friendly people.
Age when you first rode a bike and what bike was it: I was 17 when I bought a yellow, two speed Puch moped. On the first ride, I thought it was performing well until I tried to slow down; the throttle had jammed open! I survived but it never ran again!
When and why did you develop an interest in riding a bike: Motorbikes are not in my family. A sixth former turned up on a Honda 250; it was pretty cool and I wanted one. I couldn’t afford a car so persuaded my parents I needed transport for work. Dad guaranteed a loan and I bought a new Honda 250G5; the combination of speed and independence had me hooked. I learnt by experience, mainly falling off but wasn’t put off. A ride to Cornwall on my own took 14 hours. By the time I arrived, it was too painful to use the clutch. Other bikes followed, usually replaced when my parents were on holiday. I loved my CB400F then two CX500s, far better than their reputation. I peaked with a CB750FA for summer and CB100N for work. After getting married, my wife bought me a CBX550; she’s definitely a keeper (the wife that is!).
Aside from family members, who would you like as a riding companion: My idol is Barry Sheene, his Silverstone duel with Kenny Roberts was awesome. I could learn from his riding and it would have been fun trying to keep up on a night out! Realistically though, you cannot beat riding with friends who ride to a good standard.
Reasons behind becoming an EAMG Observer: In 1975, training was non-existent, riding up and down an alleyway before setting off on the A127! That experience got me into training. From 1977, I spent three years as a trainer for “Star Rider”. When children came along the bike had to go. In 2000, I got back buying a Honda Firestorm. My wife made training a pre-condition, joining EAMG was a no brainer and I passed the IAM test later that year. Wanting to put something back into the Group, a couple of years later, I decided to become an Observer. After an initial assessment ride, I was accepted onto the Observer Training Programme. During this process I also passed my ROSPA test achieving a Gold standard. My day long Observer Test was very thorough covering both my riding and debriefing skills. Associates not only become safer but they enjoy their riding so much more. For me it has been a revelation, finding something that I love doing that does so much good for other riders.