Essex Advanced Motorcyclists’ Group is a not for profit charity established to promote improvement in the standard of motorcycle riding. EAMG Ltd is run entirely by unpaid volunteers so every penny of the membership fee is invested in training EAMG members. Our training team is passionate about motorcycling, promoting road safety and providing training for Members to achieve, maintain and progress beyond recognised Advanced Test standards. We also believe strongly that you can have lots of fun doing it!

Our new website and new logo are testament to the continued success of EAMG. The commendable report given by the Kent Police Class 1 Motorcyclist on the SOA riding assessment (see Training) is testament to the riding standard required of our Observers, crucial if Group standards are to be maintained.

A quick look through our Observer profiles augments the experience and passion our Observers have for their motorcycling. Their training is based on RoSPA’s Motorcycle Diploma that includes briefing and debriefing skills as well as riding skills; training can take several months or more. They give their time voluntarily to assist our Members enabling them to achieve high quality IAM or RoSPA qualification. We really do promise the best.

Social Activities

EAMG is not all about training. We enjoy the hospitality of Little Channels on the first Tuesday of each month, inviting regular guests to give presentations on a multitude of subjects. We organise regular social rides in Essex and further afield. See our Events Diary

Why wait? Come and join us?

If you would like to find out more about us and meet some of our members you are welcome to come along to any of our social evenings held on the first Tuesday of every month. You are also welcome to come along to a Group Training session (see Events Diary for dates) but please email to say you wish to attend so we can ensure we have enough observers available to take everyone out on a training ride.

If you are ready to join now please use this link to our membership application form