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Second Full Member Social Ride Sunday 16 June

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:30 pm
by richard parker
It was proposed earlier in the year that where possible we would try to arrange an extra Full Member Ride each month during the summer and this is the first opportunity. The ride will be led by Colin Digby leaving Sainsburys Springfield Chelmsford at the usual time of 9.30am. The destination is Bawdsey Suffolk and distance is probably around 160 miles with the usual stops.................................Richard

Re: Second Full Member Social Ride Sunday 16 June

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 9:42 pm
by chris_johnson
9 riders on a sunny day with just a couple of short showers. The route out was 109 miles; compare that with the 50 mile distance as the crow flies and you can see that it must have been complicated. Tea break at the Homestead Cabin Cafe at Weeley, just in time to shelter from the worst of the first shower. We lost one on the way out, so when we arrived at Bawdsey he had taken a more direct route, had lunched, and was ready to depart. Cafe was pleasant but had no real nourishment for hungry bikers. Nice estuary views. Route back was a little more direct, and 6 of us retrned to the Regiment Way MacD's at a little after 5pm having done 199.9 miles (me), or 195 miles (Richard) or 192 miles (Colin). Richard was a patient back marker in both directions. Many thanks to Colin, and pictures have been posted, including a few of Mick's group at Sainsburys.

Chris J.

Re: Second Full Member Social Ride Sunday 16 June

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 10:58 pm
by Colin Digby
Thanks Chris