AGT Sunday 9th May-**FULLY BOOKED**
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 4:01 pm
Dear all.
April's Covid AGT's(Associate Group Training) was a successful day using the current Covid guidelines of education.
NOTE: Obviously if restrictions change we'll update forum and issue Mailchimp group email.
Numbers have to be limited to a maximum of 25, and everyone must wear a face covering and maintain social distancing of 2m. Guidelines also stipulate that only full members on FTFM training and associates may attend - 12 associates/FTFM for training and 12 Observers max.
NOTE: ****fully booked****.
NOTE: AGT's for 9th May and 6th June are Covid controlled - email '' to book in. July onwards is back to normal - we hope - without guidelines.
Each associate, and Members who have signed up for Further Training Full Members(FTFM), are required to confirm to me their attendance so I can book them in and provide the necessary Observers. Same requirement as previous AGT's - email me: Any questions, please ask.
Address: Beryl Platt Centre(formerly Longmeads House) , 12-14 Redwood Drive, Writtle, Chelmsford. CM1 3LY.
As before, NO full member rides - only those booked in for training are allowed on site - anyone who turns up without booking will be turned away. Requirement of the controls to support the guidelines.
The government guidelines allow groups of more than 6 to gather for training purposes. Longmeads House - renamed 'Beryl Platt Centre' - have therefore invited us back with max number of 25 to their new hall in order that we can recommence training. The hall is located behind and to the left of the old hall and well laid out for social distancing.
The session will commence at 0930hrs - please be there by 09:00 - Supervisor inside and second outside respectively. You will not be allowed into the building if you have not pre-registered with Mick Hewitt. After the Roadcraft talk training will be 1:1 with an Observer.
We understand if some people are not comfortable entering the building with others, but would still like to participate in an observed ride. If this is the case then let Mick know when you register and we will arrange for an observer to meet you outside in the car park.
Best regards
Training team
April's Covid AGT's(Associate Group Training) was a successful day using the current Covid guidelines of education.
NOTE: Obviously if restrictions change we'll update forum and issue Mailchimp group email.
Numbers have to be limited to a maximum of 25, and everyone must wear a face covering and maintain social distancing of 2m. Guidelines also stipulate that only full members on FTFM training and associates may attend - 12 associates/FTFM for training and 12 Observers max.
NOTE: ****fully booked****.
NOTE: AGT's for 9th May and 6th June are Covid controlled - email '' to book in. July onwards is back to normal - we hope - without guidelines.
Each associate, and Members who have signed up for Further Training Full Members(FTFM), are required to confirm to me their attendance so I can book them in and provide the necessary Observers. Same requirement as previous AGT's - email me: Any questions, please ask.
Address: Beryl Platt Centre(formerly Longmeads House) , 12-14 Redwood Drive, Writtle, Chelmsford. CM1 3LY.
As before, NO full member rides - only those booked in for training are allowed on site - anyone who turns up without booking will be turned away. Requirement of the controls to support the guidelines.
The government guidelines allow groups of more than 6 to gather for training purposes. Longmeads House - renamed 'Beryl Platt Centre' - have therefore invited us back with max number of 25 to their new hall in order that we can recommence training. The hall is located behind and to the left of the old hall and well laid out for social distancing.
The session will commence at 0930hrs - please be there by 09:00 - Supervisor inside and second outside respectively. You will not be allowed into the building if you have not pre-registered with Mick Hewitt. After the Roadcraft talk training will be 1:1 with an Observer.
We understand if some people are not comfortable entering the building with others, but would still like to participate in an observed ride. If this is the case then let Mick know when you register and we will arrange for an observer to meet you outside in the car park.
Best regards
Training team