Committee Meeting 2020
Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2020 1:08 pm
The Committee held a Zoom meeting on 12th August.
A reminder that Graham Seeley is standing down as Group Secretary this year, so volunteers please step forward and contact me. Make 2020 the year you make a difference!
We have a twitter account . Anthony who has the log in would like some help with retweets, content etc. if there is a tweeter out there with some spare time.
We have a lot of full members who have not renewed this year yet. I know you may think you have not had your value for money this year but your £25 is a donation to a registered charity. We are still incurring expenses and would really appreciate if 2020 membership could be paid please.
We continue to carry out 1:1 training for associates and for full members wanting further training. If you are undergoing training and want more rides than your observer can manage, or just want to have a change contact me at or post a request on the forum, twitter or facebook page.
All social rides are still suspended; however you can use the forum, twitter or facebook to arrange small (6 maximum) non EAMG official rides. If you are not a paid member I will delete your post!
I have recently spoken with Channels and they can see no way for us to have any meetings inside or outside at their premises until guidelines change. AGT’s are also still suspended.
The Committee asked me to pass on their thanks for your understanding at this time and hope you and your families are all well. We hope we can meet again soon.
Jill, EAMG Chairman
A reminder that Graham Seeley is standing down as Group Secretary this year, so volunteers please step forward and contact me. Make 2020 the year you make a difference!
We have a twitter account . Anthony who has the log in would like some help with retweets, content etc. if there is a tweeter out there with some spare time.
We have a lot of full members who have not renewed this year yet. I know you may think you have not had your value for money this year but your £25 is a donation to a registered charity. We are still incurring expenses and would really appreciate if 2020 membership could be paid please.
We continue to carry out 1:1 training for associates and for full members wanting further training. If you are undergoing training and want more rides than your observer can manage, or just want to have a change contact me at or post a request on the forum, twitter or facebook page.
All social rides are still suspended; however you can use the forum, twitter or facebook to arrange small (6 maximum) non EAMG official rides. If you are not a paid member I will delete your post!
I have recently spoken with Channels and they can see no way for us to have any meetings inside or outside at their premises until guidelines change. AGT’s are also still suspended.
The Committee asked me to pass on their thanks for your understanding at this time and hope you and your families are all well. We hope we can meet again soon.
Jill, EAMG Chairman