Mid Week Ride to Rye 24/9 - CANCELLED

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Mid Week Ride to Rye 24/9 - CANCELLED

Post by bigbob »

Sorry this ride has been cancelled due to a very poor forecast for tomorrow.

We had suggested there would be a mid week ride to Beachy Head, myself and Joe did a reccy for the ride and as a result decided to stick with Rye as the destination, it gives us good mileage with a nice route and will not be back too late.

So the ride will meet at the Esso service station next to the Circus Tavern Arterial Road Purfleet RM19 1TS at 9am for a 9:15 am start, fuelled up please. Joe will lead the group I will lead a second group if numbers require.

We will head off on the country route to Goudhust for a half hour stop for coffee/tea and a cake. Then the long way round via Appledore, Lydd, Camber Sands to Rye for lunch. Set off back to Goudhust with a fuel stop then back to Junction 1b where the ride will end and we head our separate ways. Should be about 134 miles round trip back to the Tunnel.

Let us know if you are coming please so we have an idea of numbers bigbobcowl@yahoo.com

Bob and Joe
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