Meeting Date/Time:Tuesday 4th February 2025, 19:30 – 21:30
Meeting Location:Little Channels Golf Club, Chelmsford
To all EAMG Members,
You are invited to attend the EAMG 2025 AGM which will take place on Tuesday 4th February at Little Channels Golf Club, Chelmsford, commencing at 19:30. The agenda for the AGM is as follows:
- Welcome
- Minutes of 2024-2025 AGM
- Chairman’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Nomination and Election of Committee Members
- Constitution Updates and Amendments
- Any Other Business
- Close
As required by the EAMG Constitution, all current Committee Members will be resigning. Magali Ellis (Secretary), Adam Bhoyroo (Social Media) and Mick Hewitt (Training Liaison) have indicated that they will not be standing for re-election at this AGM - all other current committee members have indicated that they are prepared to remain in post (subject to re-election) for 2025-2026. The current Committee members are:
Chairman:Michel Couque
Treasurer:Clive Taylor
Membership Secretary:Dave Hawke
Web Master:Graham Simpkins
Training Team Liaison:Mick Hewitt
Guest Speaker Liaison:Dave Crossley
The following positions will become vacant and we will be looking for nominations for:
- Secretary
- Social Media
- Training Team Liaison
- Committee Member(s)
So - if you fancy a greater role in the running of the club, want to influence some of the activities, or simply want to put something back into a great organisation that does a lot for you, then please put yourself forward. As always, this is your group at the end of the day, so we do need your input help and ideas. Considerable effort is put in by a handful of volunteers (other than the Observers) who willingly give their time and effort so that others in the Group may benefit – and we need more help! At present we are running at the absolute bare minimum operating level, so please, if you can help or assist, please do not hold back, as without additional assistance, we will not be able to deliver all that we would wish. You can of course apply for any of the positions stated above (Chairman for instance) and if there is more than one applicant for any given position, this will then be subject to a vote (Note: only fully paid members of EAMG at the time of the AGM are eligible to vote).
Should you wish to stand for nomination to the Committee or wish to nominate another member for same, the attached election form should be completed by you, seconded by another member, signed by the nominee and either mailed to the Secretary at by Wednesday 31st January 2025 (latest) or provided to either the Chairman or Secretary on the night.
Should you have any queries, please contact the secretary at or the chairman at
Thank you
Michel Couque
EAMG Chairman
We, the undersigned, wish to nominate the following person:
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
As: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
(position title)
(proposer name, please print)(seconder name, please print)
(signature of proposer)(signature of seconder)
I am willing to be so nominated:………………………………………………….
(nominee name, please print)
(nominee signature)