BMF updates

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Joined: Mon Apr 29, 2019 8:04 pm

BMF updates

Post by michelcouque »


Latest comms from BMF.

Please do contact them if you want to be put on their contact lists directly, as they are fighting and representing motorcyclists on several fronts.

Good morning

Please find attached August 2024’s Club News Round-up for you to use in your newsletters, website, social media channels or club magazines.

In addition, ALL individual members, plus designated club members will receive a fortnightly, more visual newsletter consisting of summaries of stories with links to the BMF website for the full articles. To sign up for these fortnightly newsletters please use this link here.

If you feel this monthly round-up should also be sent to someone else in your club, please let me know and I can add them to my distribution list.

Don’t forget to book your tickets to our LUCKY CUP RALLY in Cumbria in September - £32 for bmf members just input your club code at checkout. It would be really good to have some of you and your members support this event. Need more info? Just ask me!

I have attached a flyer for your use please feel free to share. Link for tickets -
If I can be of any further assistance or if you have any requests, comments or feedback regarding this monthly update, please do not hesitate to contact me

Thank you for your continued support

Kindest regards,


Helen Hancock

BMF Administrator
07918 903 500
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